Dear Friends,
Even though I might complain about a cold day or a hot and humid one in the summer, I do enjoy the changes and variations of the seasons. A beautiful green tree is beautiful and I find the stark, barren tree to be a pretty sight as well. There are seasons when the seed sprouts, when the harvest is brought in, and when the ground lies fallow. Our own lives require seasons of quiet and rest, of new growth, harvest, and pruning.
We gather to worship, pray, and serve so that we nurtured in whatever season of life we are experiencing. At times we engage and give, while there are times that we receive. I think of that as our congregation has experienced several deaths of faithful parishioners recently. In times like this, I am grateful for the resources of the Book of Common Prayer, for parishioners who look after the grieving, and for your understanding and care for me in these times. In all these seasons, we confess that Christ is with us.
I also want to remind you that the season of Lent is not far away. Ash Wednesday is February 14. We will soon be entering that season that calls us to fast, pray, and study as we contemplate our sinfulness and our mortality. God is there with us on that journey. Consider now, how you will prepare yourself to enter Lent.
Of course, our lives don't always match up with the calendar. We may find cause for growth and celebration when the calendar reminds us that it is cold and dark aside. No matter the season, our parish can be that place that welcomes people where they are. Thank you for being one who welcomes in all seasons.
Fr. John Mark