Over 100 years of feeding and tending God's sheep.

1101 N. Broadway St.

Knoxville, Tennessee 37917

(865) 523-5687


Holy Eucharist I -  Sundays @ 8 am

Holy Eucharist II - Sundays @ 10:30 am

Centering  Prayer - Mondays @ 6 pm

Evening  Prayer - Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 5:30 pm

Anglican Rosary - Thursdays @ 5:30 pm

Community Labyrinth - 4th Saturday @ 10 am to 2 pm 

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Regular Gatherings
Kevin Jeske-Polyak • January 6, 2024

St. James is proud to offer gathering space for ministry groups within the church and community groups with a shared mission to provide outreach to our neighbors, Here are some of the gatherings that occur on a regular basis:

SUN: Sunday Morning Christian Formation. (Library). 9:15 am - 10:15. Join Fr. John Mark at 9:15 am on Sundays. We will be discussing various subjects. 

MON: Centering Prayer.  (Zoom 1st & 3rd Monday, Zoom & Library 2nd & 4th Monday). 6 pm - 7 pm. Zoom Link  Meeting ID: 813 3584 8679, Pray. In Being Here, acclaimed poet and theologian Pádraig Ó Tuama.

TUE: Tuesday Morning Discussion Group.  (Zoom). 11 am - noon. Meeting ID 816 8271 5668 and Passcode 481655. Contact: Margaret mbick7@gmail.com, or call 865-384-7422 for assistance.

TUE: Tuesday Evening Prayer.  (Nave). 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm.

TUE: The Soul of the Indian.  (Zoom). 6 pm - 7 pm. "Black Elk Speaks" by John G. Neihardt. The story of Black Elk, an Oglala Lakota medicine man. Contact: rondmorton@gmail.com for the link.

WED: The Book of Genesis.  (Conf Rm A). 10 am - 11:15 am. Beginning Wed, Feb 7, until Wed, Mar 13 Contact: mariewcantrell@gmail.com.

THU: Thursday Study Group. 
 (Parish Hall). 10 am Discussing a wide variety of topics to help us grow and expand spiritually and mentally. Sometimes we study a book for several weeks, view movies, or have speakers. Often we go out for lunch afterwards. Give us a try! Call or email Nancy Pullen with any questions - 415-722-0139 or nepullen@gmail.com.

THU: Praying the Anglican Rosary.  (Zoom). noon. One hour of praying the Anglican rosary. All are welcome! Meeting ID: 836 8961 2206 | rosary. Contact: cynthia.thornburg16@gmail.com or mbick7@gmail.com.

THU: Thursday Evening Prayer.  (Nave). 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm.

SAT: Helping Hands Ministry Group.  (Food Pantry). 9 am - 10 am every other Saturday. Feeding and tending God's sheep by taking prayer requests and distributing bags of groceries. Join our Helping Hands clients and volunteers for a festive holiday meal Saturday, Dec 2 from 9 am - 10 am in the Parish Hall. For more information, contact Ginny Combs gcombs1947@outlook.com.

SAT: Prayer Shawl Ministry Group.  (Library). 10 am every First Saturday of the month. Knitting and crocheting combined into a prayerful ministry and spiritual practice reaching out to neighbors in need of comfort and solace, as well as in celebration and joy. Contact Suzanne Farkas sfarkas1926@gmail.com for more information.

SAT: Episcopal Church Women.  (Parish Hall). 10 am every Third Saturday of the month. Enjoying hands-on involvement in church life, celebrating the children of St James, and sponsoring parish-wide opportunities. Contact Nancy Pullen nepullen@gmail.com for more information.

By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers January 16, 2025
Friends and Neighbors, Snow and ice caused us to postpone our Ministry Marathon until February 9. On that day you will find folks in different spots sharing about the various ministries here at St. James. This will be a good day to see the church, learn about ways to serve, and connect with friends old and new. You may be surprised at all the various opportunities to serve, pray, and study together.
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers January 9, 2025
Friends and Neighbors, Our church calendar has many feasts and fast days. These days remind us of the stories and faithful people they commemorate and encourage us to live our faith today. This Sunday is the first Sunday after the Epiphany and is the day we celebrate the baptism of Jesus. It is fitting that we are having our Ministry Marathon as we remember this event. Baptism is our initiation into the Body of Christ. All members of the body are empowered to serve as ministers. The Ministry Marathon can help us discern ways we can use our gifts in God's service.
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers January 1, 2025
Friends and Neighbors, A new year dawns and voices all around call us to make resolutions, be more productive, and to change our bodies. Sure, some good messages are there, but they often get covered with blame, shame, and exhaustion. I appreciate that a call to be a faithful follower of Christ isn't a call to be perfect. Following Christ is a journey. Sometimes we take a wrong turn or need to stop and rest. The metaphors of scripture and tradition speak of being made well, growth, bearing fruit, and death that leads to resurrection. Faith is an ongoing process in which God's grace is working in us.
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers December 25, 2024
Merry Christmas! Yes, the Church continues to celebrate Christmas beyond the one day. Even with 12 days of Christmas, the mystery of incarnation continues to unfold in our world. I see us living out that mystery at St. James by the way we seek to feed the hungry, do justice, and nurture our souls in prayer and worship together. We become those who bear Christ to the world.
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers December 19, 2024
Friends and Neighbors, As Advent moves towards Christmas, we are currently in Ember Days (12/18, 12/20, 12/21). These days of prayer and fasting correspond closely to the change of seasons. You will see them indicated on liturgical calendars, but I will confess that even many of us clergy have to look up what they mean. The Episcopal Church uses those days as times that people in the ordination process are to write letters to their bishop. Can a fast that has fallen out of practice mean anything for us in the present time? I am exploring that as I think about the approaching solstice, holiday festivities, and the onslaught of information in our time.
By Andrew Jeske-Polyak December 14, 2024
What an absolutely exhilarating moment for St. James Episcopal Church! We were overjoyed to witness a vibrant gathering of 115 attendees, marking a historic milestone in our community's engagement and support for the Justice Knox Research Process. With over 30 enthusiastic participants placed on each committee, we have truly set a new benchmark. Previously, the largest Research to Action Kickoff in 2016 logged 101 attendees! This remarkable achievement is a shining testament to your unwavering dedication to justice and the nurturing spirit that defines our congregation. As we continue to flourish, it is vital that we keep strengthening our connections and expanding our network. Let’s keep this momentum going! Stay tuned for additional information from your team leader regarding our Congregational Network Meeting coming up in February, and if you have those dates ready, please share them with me at your earliest convenience. Together, we are shaping the future of our outreach and inreach ministries, and we can
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers December 12, 2024
Dear Friends and Neighbors, The weather and the world seem to be changing day to day. I know how I have joined in the common lament that I don't like change. The truth is that change is the norm, the constant through creation. Advent calls us to look for some change. Christ coming into our world isn't an endorsement of the status quo. Christ comes calling us to repentance. My favorite translation of the word repent is "change your minds and hearts". A transformation of our hearts and minds changes how we see the world and each other.
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers December 5, 2024
Friends and Neighbors, Advent has me thinking about time. Maybe you have noticed that the birthday blessing I use on Sundays goes something like this: "We thank you for the gift of time and that you have come to us in time in Jesus, your son." We confess that God enters into time and the material world to be with us and work through us. Advent calls us to consider how Christ shows up and to be awake to the surprising places we might meet Christ.
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers December 4, 2024
Friends and Neighbors, Happy Thanksgiving! The call to gratitude shows up in many scriptures, psychological studies, and popular culture. Apparently it is good for us to give thanks. I have found that to be true. We can be thankful for the grace we know without ignoring personal problems, doubts, and injustices. I am grateful to be part of a community that invites us to express joy and gratitude while also sharing grief and calling for change.
By The Rev. John Mark Wiggers November 21, 2024
Friends and Neighbors, We are approaching the end of the church year. I hope that as Thanksgiving and Advent approach we can all prepare ourselves for the anxiety so common in this time. Yes, your priest is telling you to take time to pray, be still, and center yourself. From a centered place, we are better prepared to respond rather than react. Even a deep breath can calm us when that comment at the dinner table annoys us or we feel the rush of seasonal obligations.
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