Dear Friends,
Happy New Year! We are nearing the end of the 12 days of Christmas and we will celebrate Epiphany this Sunday (1/7) with an Epiphany Pageant at 10:30 am. If any children and youth would like to participate, please join us in the children's chapel room at 9:45 on Sunday. We will continue to celebrate the Incarnation (which is the mystery of God become flesh.) Join us as we celebrate.
I am grateful for all the hard work that has gone into our celebrations. The staff and many volunteers worked to make for many welcoming services over these holy days. We also fed many neighbors during this time. We have also known some sadness and grief at the loss of friends during the holiday season. I am grateful for the support so many of you give each other and me. All of these things are ways that we make Christ known to each other.
I am excited about this new year in which we will continue to use our newly renovated space to share God's love. Many thanks to all who serve in various ways to make ministry happen at St. James. I look forward to teaching about and using the labyrinth. We live in a time when many people are longing for connection to God and to others. I am forming The Council of Dreamers to explore ways we can grow in sharing the welcoming love of Christ.
Check out this email for opportunities to serve and pray together. Make note that Brian Austin will be ordained a deacon at 11 am, January 13 at St. Timothy's, Signal Mountain. (Feel free to donate to my discretionary fund to get him a special gift from St. James.)
May you know the blessing of God with us.
Fr. John Mark