Dear Friends,
Merry Christmas!
Thank you to everyone who made our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day celebrations so wonderful. So much work goes into these services that share the Good News of God with us. We saw many friends, old and new, as we gathered to celebrate. Remember that Christmas is a 12 day feast, so we will continue our celebrating. This Sunday (December 31) we will have Christmas lessons and carols at the 10:30 service. On January 7, we will transfer the feast of the Epiphany to Sunday and have a children's pageant at 10:30. In all of these gatherings, we name and share Christ's love.
As we move into a new year, let us carry the proclamation of the Good News in word and deed. We can be a community that offers the light of hope, love, and acceptance to others. You do that as you welcome folks and share your own stories of faith. I am thankful for your stories as I have been encouraged in my faith journey.
In the weeks to come, we will celebrate the ordination of Brian Austin as a deacon (see the announcement below). We will also see our children enact a story of the incarnation, bury a friend, and feed a few of our neighbors. All of those things are ways we share God's love. Never doubt that your story matters. You can be a light to others.
I look forward to a new year in which we will seek ways to share the light of Christ. Thank you for all of your support in the past year. We have been through many changes as we renovated the space. We will continue to live into our space and find ways to be good stewards of what we have. I look forward to seeing how we will continue to share the Good News of God with us.
Fr. John Mark