Over 100 years of feeding and tending God's sheep.

1101 N. Broadway St.

Knoxville, Tennessee 37917

(865) 523-5687


Holy Eucharist I -  Sundays @ 8 am

Holy Eucharist II - Sundays @ 10:30 am

Centering  Prayer - Mondays @ 6 pm

Evening  Prayer - Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 5:30 pm

Anglican Rosary - Thursdays @ 5:30 pm

Community Labyrinth - 4th Saturday @ 10 am to 2 pm 


Ministry Group “Briefs” -  Short descriptions at a glance.


St. James Episcopal Church offers a sanctuary for spiritual growth and engagement with diverse worship options to suit every soul. We cherish service and giving back. As we come together to tend God's flock through volunteer work, we cultivate a profound sense of community that transcends individual boundaries. We warmly invite you to experience the inclusivity and camaraderie of our church.




Acolytes  W . . .  Aiding in ceremonial practices to establish a solemn and respectful environment for religious worship.

Altar Guild  W . . . Preparing the Altar for all services and care for the area.

Audio Visual  W   . . . Utilizing audio & video technology to enhance and safeguard the message, music, and worship of Jesus Christ.

Bells of St. James  W . . . Enhancing the worship experience with delightful melodies through handbells and hand chimes.

Eucharistic Ministers  W . . .  Serving the consecrated elements to parishioners during communion.

Eucharistic Visitors  SR . . . Bringing the Eucharist to fellow members who can't make it to church for different reasons.

Flower Guild  W   . . . Elevating respect and festivity with the use of flowers, greenery, and their symbolic meanings.

Funeral Guild   SR  . . . Supporting the rector and office in planning and executing funeral services and providing hospitality and comfort to family and friends.

Lectors & Intercessors  W . . . Participating in worship services by reading aloud to the congregation.

Medical Response  W . . . Offering prompt medical aid during emergencies within the church grounds.

Music  W . . . Creating and performing beautiful music for Sunday services (and more).

Nursery  W . . . Creating a safe and inviting environment for young children during worship services.

Ushers  W   . . . Welcoming people to worship, directing people at worship services, and helping to ensure the service runs smoothly.

Wedding Guild  SR   . . . Working with the Rector and the betrothed to organize and execute the Sacrament and Celebration of Marriage.

Youth Ministry (Children’s Chapel)  W . . . Creating an education and learning experience for older children (6-16) during worship service time.




Anglican Rosary  W . . . Offering structured prayer and meditation.

Centering Prayer  W . . . Engaging in contemplative prayer to nurture a profound feeling of tranquility & spiritual closeness to God.

Evening Prayer  2W . . . Sharing in prayer from the Book of Common Prayer led by trained lay parishioners in the Chapel on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 pm.  All are welcome

Labyrinth Keepers  M . . . Hosting visitors who come to walk the labyrinth.

Prayer Shawl  M . . . Knitting and crocheting shawls to offer solace, support, and companionship to individuals experiencing illness, loneliness, or stress.



Christian Formation Adult  W . . . Tackling various topics of faith development.

Education for Ministry  W   . . . Offering Classroom style learning and small group format for theological reflection, Christian history and the Episcopal Church.

Episcopal Evangelism  SR  . . . Teaching others how to spread the happiness, faith and hope that comes from living a life in Christ.

Library  SR  . . . Building and maintaining access to a parish lending library.

Soul of the Indian  W   . . .  Exploring the life and vision of an Oglala Holy Man (1863-1950) and the tragic history of his Sioux people.

Spiritual Sharing Circle   M . . .  Sharing how our faith and God actually shows up in our lives.

Thursday Discussion  W . . . Exploring and talking about subjects that can aid in our spiritual and mental development.

Tuesday Discussion  W . . . Enjoying casual chats over coffee via Zoom with no specific plan in mind.




Doorstep  D . . .  Showing God’s love and compassion by providing food and referrals to neighbors who are in need.

Helping Hands  2M . . . Helping individuals and families in need by providing groceries and meals to those facing food insecurity.

Justice Knox  SR   . . Organizing the community to rally leaders for change in our city/county.

Prison Ministry  SR . . . Providing empathy, encouragement, and support to promote development and decrease reoffending rates.

VMC Meals  2M  . . . Providing bimonthly lunch service to participants in the Volunteer Ministry Center housing program.




Daughters of the King  M . . .  Showing God's love through the order of prayer and service for women.

Episcopal Church Women  M   . . .  Enjoying fellowship while hosting fundraisers to support the congregation and local charities.

ETNyouth Group  M . . . Nurturing faith, friendships, and engagement among youth in 50 worshiping communities in East TN,

Kitchen Guild  W  . . . Helping to prepare for and clean up after full parish fellowship gatherings and other events.

Parish Care  SR  . . . Providing meals and other assistance to parishioners with medical or other temporary needs.

Pumpkin Heads  SR  . . .  Spreading joy and fellowship among neighbors during the annual St. James Neighborhood Pumpkin Patch Festival.

Realm Orientation  SR . . .  Helping church members get oriented and supported in using the Realm (Real Ministry) platform tools.




History  SR  . . . Keeping alive the legacy of St. James and its dedication to caring for and nourishing God's flock.

Kleen Sweeps  SR  . . . Offering guidance and support in keeping up with housekeeping and maintenance schedules and tasks.

Office Staff  D . . . Assisting and backing the parishioners in achieving the mission and aspirations of St. James.

St. Francis Guild  SR  . . . Maintaining the St. James beds on the grounds to create a peaceful and inviting environment for worship and reflection.



Finance  M   . . . Managing the budget, keeping an eye on expenses, and making sure the church's finances are in good order.

Stewardship  SR  . . . Coordinating programs that encourage parishioners to share their talents and financial support of the ministries of St. James.

Vestry  M   . . . Overseeing St. James corporate property and managing the parish's interactions with its clergy.

D = daily   W = weekly   2W = twice per week   M = monthly   2M = twice per month   Q = quarterly  SR = semi-regular   

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