Friends and Neighbors,
We live in a world that bombards us with information. Here I am adding to the mix of ideas and thoughts coming your way. I am reminded of how Jesus often took time to go away to pray. Even without cell phones and constant news, Jesus and those around him were well aware of their world's contentious politics and problems. Jesus spoke to those problems and acted to meet the needs of people. He also empowered his followers to do the same things he did. Jesus took time to pray, teach, and be with folks at meals. Connecting with God and our community nurtures and feed us in the midst of all the demands on our attention.
We have several opportunities beyond Sunday morning to find community and to pray. This Saturday we will have our labyrinth open for walking from 10:00-2:00. You can sign-up to help host or just come and take a moment to be silent. We will also be hosting the Maryville College choir Sunday afternoon. Mark your calendars for excellent pancakes on March 4 and for Ash Wednesday on March 5. Don't forget March 13 is the Justice Knox Rally that is an important preparation time before the Nehemiah Action. Those are just a few opportunities part of and connected to our parish. I am looking at these opportunities as ways to love God and neighbor. I know that I am nourished by the fun things and the more solemn ones as well.
The information overload and culture of outrage can leave us feeling isolated and alone. I am grateful that our faith calls us to come together. There are Sundays when I am not feeling so spiritual and holy, and then there is a moment in community that reminds me of why I am there. Those moments in prayer, breaking bread, or banging a drum remind me that I am not alone. When the noise distracts us, may we turn to those practice, those prayers, this community where we find God's grace.
Fr. John Mark