Friends and Neighbors,
I don't want to get too far ahead, but Lent is approaching. The tradition of the Church calls for a time of fasting and repentance. That often involves giving something up or taking something on. I recommend that folks keep it simple and be kind to themselves. We aren't doing these things to earn God's favor. We take up these practices to turn our hearts towards God. This turning of our hearts could be called "devotion".
I will focus on the theme of devotion in our Sunday morning classes at 9:15 AM. We have other opportunities at St. James to practice this devotion together. Beyond Sunday morning worship there is Evening Prayer, Centering Prayer, multiple study groups, and opportunities for action in our mercy and justice ministries. Of course, we all have a mixture of motivations when engaging any of these activities. Pause and name whatever you do as a way of turning your heart towards God.
Consider what a Lenten fast will look like for you. Enter Lent with your community at one of the many options for receiving ashes on Ash Wednesday. Take up or continue a daily practice of prayer using the prayer book or these handy resources from Forward Day by Day. Maybe you will try one of the activities for prayer and service at St. James. Whatever we do, may it be rooted in a desire to turn our hearts toward God. I believe that also includes the frivolity of Shrove Tuesday. Come and enjoy some pancakes and fun as we move into Lent.
In Lent and in all seasons God is present to us. This is true even in the midst of a fractured world. Christ came into flesh in a world in turmoil. Jesus called and empowered his followers to do what he did. They cast out demons, raised the dead, healed the sick, and called for a change in minds and hearts. We are called to that mission too. Our fasting in Lent turns us again to the source and strength of that call.
Fr. John Mark