Friends and Neighbors,
I am writing this on the Feast of St. Joseph (March 19). This character in God's salvation story has an intriguing supporting role. He chooses to protect Mary and the expectant child despite the possible scandal. Joseph finds himself fleeing for Egypt to protect the newborn Jesus. We don't otherwise hear much from or about Joseph in scripture. He is a faithful person who sought to follow God in tough situations.
We see many tough problems in our world. Throughout the ages, people with power have often blamed the poor and the oppressed for their plight. Jesus and the Hebrew prophets before him did not blame the poor but called on the community to do justice. I highlighted this at the Justice Knox Rally last week. As an organization, Justice Knox seeks to change the systems so that people can have safe, affordable housing, and access to reliable transportation. Those are our two big issues this year. Like Joseph, we show up to protect those who are vulnerable. Invite your friends and neighbors to the Nehemiah Action on April 8 from 7:00-8:30 PM at the Knoxville Civic Auditorium. Your presence makes a difference in bringing justice.
Standing up for justice is one way that we embody a faith like Joseph had. We express our hope by even believing that such hard societal challenges can be addressed. By doing justice we meet Christ in those suffering injustice. We do that as people who are nurtured and strengthened by the life of a faithful community. We are a community that has the altar at our center. From that altar, we are fed and sent out to be the body of Christ in the world.
I am grateful to be a part of a community that faithfully does justice. You also care for one another in so many ways. Many of those things we share in a weekly email like this. I hope that you will take special note of the March 30 reception to honor Kevin Jeske-Polyak, Linda Goins, and Rick Brown as they take leave of their jobs here at St. James. I also want to share that DeAnna Meyers has accepted the call to join the staff at St. James as parish administrator. Many of you know her. I am excited to be working with DeAnna.
May we all have faith like Joseph as we carry Christ to the world.
Fr. John Mark