Dear Friends,
We enter a new month and this year have the conjunction of Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday on the same day. We will be keeping Ash Wednesday here at St. James with many opportunities to get ashes and begin a holy Lent. We will preface that with a Shrove Tuesday celebration, of course. In this newsletter you will also find other opportunities to study and pray together in the coming season.
I want to point out that we will be walking the labyrinth on Friday, February 2 between 6 pm and 8 pm. Walking the labyrinth is an individual devotion so you can drop in as you are able. We will have some prayers and a little instruction around 6:30 pm. There will also be a couple of us around to guide folks on how to use this prayerful tool.
We have many opportunities to be together as a community, and we offer our space to be used for various things. I have been blessed to hear from a few you in this past few weeks who have told me how much the community of St. James means to you. I believe that the world needs a community like ours to shine some light, offer some healing, and invite others to know Christ. Your presence, your story, and your gifts matter in making this a welcoming community.
Blessings to you as we seek to love and serve Christ together.
Fr. John Mark