Dear Friends and Neighbors,
It is Holy Week and Easter is coming! Note the schedule of all the opportunities to pray and celebrate together. When you are here, look at the Stations of the Cross crafted by The Rev. R. J. Powell on wood that our own Troy Burns took from our pews. Thank you to them and to all the folks making Holy Week and Easter happen here at St. James. So many people are involved. I am grateful for all who make this a place that welcomes others to know the love of Christ.
During the Great 50 Days, we will continue to celebrate the resurrection and declare that there is always hope for transformation and life. We will do that in the regular course of worship and our various ministries. One special event is the Justice Knox Nehemiah Action on April 9. See below for details. I am excited about this event. Both mayors have agreed to be there.
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, April 17 at 6:00 PM when Bishop Cole will be here to confirm and receive new members. We were celebrating the centennial on his regular visit and he kindly offered to come another time. I am enjoying the journey with these inquirers. Join them as we welcome them into the Episcopal Church.
We have a few more solemn days Thursday through Saturday. I hope you can join in this powerful journey with Jesus. That walk brings us to the empty tomb on Easter Sunday. Bring flowers to decorate the cross as we claim this terrible instrument as a sign of hope. Bring bells to ring during the alleluia (except not so much during the choral pieces! The choir has practiced so much!) Oh, there will be an Easter Egg hunt (see below for details). All these signs and symbols are ways we acknowledge and celebrate that, in Christ, we always have hope.
May you know the hope of Christ in you this season.
Fr. John Mark