Friends and Neighbors,
Happy Easter! We had a solemn Holy Week and a glorious Easter Sunday! Thank you to everyone who helped make all of that happen. We have so many talented folks who give of their time and talents to make things special. I am reminded of how powerful sacred space, beauty, drama, and ritual help bring us together. I am grateful to be part of a community that can bring all those things together to welcome folks with the love of Christ. Thank you.
A big event for St. James is coming up on April 9. It is time for the Justice Knox Nehemiah Action! We always have a great turnout for this event. Your presence matters. Our community leaders respond when we show up and ask for their leadership in addressing important community issues. Both of our city and county mayors have agreed to be at the action and will be making commitments to take action in addressing homelessness. This is an exciting way that we partner with over 20 congregations to do justice in our community. See below for more details.
I am looking forward to the Nehemiah Action and many other activities together. Don't miss Wednesday, April 17 at 6 pm when Bishop Brian will be here to receive and confirm folks. I also want to encourage parents and grandparents to consider Family Camp at Grace Point. This year it is over Memorial Day weekend. It is a great way to introduce camp to youngsters and to share some time together. Reach out if you have any questions about camp.
Thanks again for all the ways that you support St. James and the ministry we do. With all the gifts of time and talent, I am also grateful for you sharing your gifts of money. It does take financial investment to maintain our space, and our staff, and to support ministry. Your gift matters. Thank you. May we all be grateful for all the good gifts that God has given us.
Fr. John Mark