Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Holy Week is near and I encourage you to take some time to pray and reflect as we move towards the celebration of Easter. I encourage you to attend the Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services as they move us through the journey of betrayal and crucifixion that leads to the resurrection.
We have other opportunities to pray as well. We will have the labyrinth and the stations of the cross available from 12 pm -1 pm Monday - Thursday, and following the 5:30 pm Eucharists Monday - Wednesday. You can also join Evening Prayer at 5:30 pm on Thursday, and there is a brief service of prayer on Holy Saturday at 10 am. That is a lot of prayer! Look for more information about Holy Week and Easter Day services and don't forget the Easter Egg Hunt.
The whole thing gets kicked off as we come together for Palm Sunday. We have a parade at 10:30 am so join us in the courtyard for the blessing of the palms and to march around a bit. Bring something to make some noise with. I will have my drum. Our celebration takes a dramatic turn as we hear the reading of the passion story from the Gospel of Mark.
Many of us have spent this week with Justice Knox as we had our rally and hosted a joint summit on homelessness. I am excited about the speakers who shared solutions that are working to reduce homelessness. You can hear Julia Orlando, an expert from Bergen County, New Jersey talk about her work by clicking THIS LINK. Mark your calendar for the April 9 Nehemiah Action where we will ask leaders to make commitments to bring more justice to our community.
As we walk through Holy Week, we are reminded that a seed must fall to the ground in order for the plant to grow.
Fr. John Mark