WELCOME KEVIN JESKE-POLYAK - On July 7, 2021 Kevin Jeske-Polyak officially will be the St. James Parish Administrator, your go-to person for so many things. Kevin is well-known among parishioners for his tireless work on the Fall Fund Raiser, his being the chief camera operator for church services, and his tenure on the St. James Vestry, including that of Senior Warden, and his work with the new Realm software that you’ll continue hearing about. He and his husband Drew love St. James and are very excited about this new adventure! Kevin comes with a great passion for St. James and its parishioners, considerable knowledge of the community and its resources, an insatiable desire to understand the ministries of the church, and a focus on supporting ministries and missions. We’ll learn more about Kevin in the August newsletter. In the meantime, we welcome him warmly to the St. James staff.