A HISTORY OF HELPING - A few days ago my son and I were attempting to cut down two dogwood stumps. All of a sudden, two young men appeared. They parked their truck within feet of us and asked if we would like them to remove the stumps at no cost. Being the macho and suspicious person that I once was, I replied “That’s ok. I think we can handle it.”
It was obvious we were struggling, so after a minute or two I asked them if they really meant what they said. They responded “Of course, and we won’t charge you a thing.” Within ten minutes, both stumps were cut to the ground. I thanked them both very much for their kind deed. They responded by saying they wanted to help a veteran who was in need, and besides, “... we’ll count it as our good deed for the day.” I thought afterwards how wonderful it was that two young men had room in their hearts to help a stranger. Then I thought what a wonderful topic for our next newsletter - sharing our gifts, talents and resources, as Christ wants us to do. The following are just a few of the many acts of kindness we have provided over the years.