Dear Friends,
Thanks be to God for the folks who jumped in to lead Morning Prayer this past Sunday. I got home from vacation to find that some of my traveling companions had tested positive for COVID. Special thanks to Lee Creech for leading worship. I am isolating this week and keeping testing negative.
It seems that there is a spike in COVID transmission of late. In consultation with the ECW, we have decided to cancel the picnic scheduled for this Saturday, July 9. We had 80 folks signed up and felt that such a number gathered in the parish hall would not be advisable. I was so excited about a parish picnic! This will definitely be rescheduled. We will gather for worship on Sunday. I will be wearing a face mask and encourage you to consider doing so as well.
Thanks also to everyone who has made a pledge to our capital campaign. You can see links above to learn more and to make a pledge. Every gift makes a difference as we set out to make our space flexible and accessible for our ministry. I often use the word "ministry" rather than "ministries". That is intentional as our various ministries are part of the one ministry of loving God, and loving our neighbors as ourselves. Our mission is one as we seek to share Christ's love. Your support of the Capital Campaign helps us strengthen the resources that support our ministry.
The Episcopal Church General Convention is July 8-11. This gathering happens every 3 years. This convention considers resolutions in many areas of church life. You can follow the news about convention at these links:
I keep you in my prayers in the midst of heat, pandemic, civil disruption, and political disarray. I pray that we may be a community centered in sharing the reconciling love of Christ in all the broken places. Pray with me.
Fr. John Mark