Dear Friends,
"The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork." (Psalm 19:1, NRSV)
Have you seen the photographs from the James Webb Space Telescope? They offer amazing beauty and a glimpse into creation. In the vastness of that creation we are loved by God and love God because God first loved us. The same power that is birthing stars made us and continues to create in and through us.
In our corner of the universe we continue to know God's love creating and transforming. We claim God is working even when the news reports are rather grim. Our faith calls us to bring love to those broken and hurting places in our world. You do that as you feed our neighbors, tell your stories, and seek justice in our community. You are sharing love when you care for each other in times of need. Your ministry to each other tells the glory of God.
While we are doing ministry now, we are also looking for ways to strengthen and support our ministry. Our Centennial Capital Campaign is underway. See the information below to learn more and pledge to this vision for our future. Also note that we are looking for stories of your experience at St. James. Celebrate by sharing a story with us all.
I long for a good St. James feast where we can share stories and be together. It seems that COVID numbers rise and fall as variants of the virus abound. I am thankful for all the ways that you have found to connect and do ministry during this time. Like the universe, we go through change and transformation. Stars and galaxies abound, and God is praised.
Fr. John Mark