Dear Friends,
September is here! It was in September of 1923 that St. James was chartered as a parish in the Diocese of Tennessee. (The one diocese eventually became three.) We have been celebrating and will continue to celebrate 100 years of ministry. I know some old friends will be here to celebrate with us on September 17 when Bishop Cole will bless our renovations and celebrate with us. Come and join us for worship at 10:30 and for a reception following. The celebration will continue throughout the year as we remember those who have come before and move into the next 100 years.
We continue to pray, study, and serve together. Note that there are many opportunities to come together. You will hear from our Justice Ministry team leaders as we begin house meetings. I will be gathering with folks on Sunday mornings in September to talk about spiritual practices. There are weekday groups and gatherings listed in this newsletter.
I am grateful for all the gifts that help us do ministry as a community. It does take your gifts of time, talent, and money to do these things. It also takes presence, prayer, and patience. We see that as we sit with someone in need, when we feed our neighbors, and when we speak up for justice. Thank you for all the gifts you bring.
Fr. John Mark