Dear Friends,
It is the time of year when the kids go back to school, football gets going, and afternoon thunderstorms are likely. Seasons remind me that we also experience changing levels of activity and growth individually and as a community. St. James has seen some physical changes lately. I will say again that those space changes will shape some changes in how we do ministry.
Changing seasons also has me looking to the past. As we celebrate 100 years of ministry, we look back and remember those who have come before. Even if we haven't been here long, there are names on the wall, stories being told, and prayers lingering from days gone by. Believing that we walk with the communion of saints as we live in the eternal that is happening right now, those who have gone before share in the prayers we offer even now. The community may have changed, the methods of ministry have been adapted, and you can watch the service on a handheld device. Our mission of reconciling the world to Christ carries on.
You participate in sharing the love of Christ when you welcome the person who shows up on Sunday looking for a safe community. Your gifts help us feed our neighbors. Your presence in the justice ministry gives us the power to advocate for the homeless, young people, and those with mental illness. The prayers that we pray are joined by all the saints who have worshiped here over the years. We continue into new seasons remembering the old.
Thank you for weathering the seasons with the St. James Community. Please consider what you can give to our capital campaign and help us continue into many more seasons. Also, take a look around and see who might serve us well on our vestry. Let me know who that might be. Most of all, know that God is with you through all the seasons of life.
Fr. John Mark