Friends and Neighbors,
During this hot week, The Episcopal Church meets for it's triennial General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. Our own RJ Powell is a delegate representing our diocese. One big action this year is electing a presiding bishop. The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, bishop of The Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania has been elected as of Wednesday afternoon as the new Presiding Bishop for the Episcopal Church of the United States. There are many other issues before the convention. You can follow the news at this link. We are reminded that our church is larger than our local parish and our diocese. I am thankful for those who take on the work of governance and administration. It takes various gifts to share the love of Christ in our world.
We continue to feed our neighbors and offer cold water in this heat. I wish that I could capture the sense of gratitude our doorstep ministers receive as they provide this mercy to those who come to us. Thank you for your support of all that we do as a parish. If you are discerning opportunities to serve at St. James, reach out to me for a little conversation. We could use some folks serving in various roles like usher, lector, acolyte, altar guild, and a host of others.
Life at St. James also allows for us to connect with others and grow in our faith. We have several groups that meet throughout the week to pray and study. In the midst of those activities, we build relationships and just enjoy being together. Is there a particular group that you would like to see at St. James? Give me a call about that and we can see what can happen. The world needs spaces for people to connect and find hope. We can make that happen together.
You may have noticed that I am asking for some conversation. I really do want to know what keeps you coming around this community. Where do you see God working? How can we work together to share what we have found? I really mean it.
Reach out at or do a Realm Connect scavenger hunt and text me on my cell phone.
Fr. John Mark