Dear Friends,
In this Easter season, we hear the stories from scripture about the 40 days the resurrected Christ appeared to his followers. We sometimes forget about that space before the ascension and Pentecost. The disciples went from one fear to another once they encountered the risen Christ. Jesus meets them offering peace and calling them to engage in the ministry of forgiving, loving, and making disciples. The peace and the call are the same for all of us today.
I know that I can't do those things alone. I need to join with community in prayers and go forth to love and serve the Lord. This month I am particularly excited about the work of the St. James justice ministry and Justice Knox. I hope that you have Tuesday, April 25 on your calendar. The Justice Knox Nehemiah Action is at 7:00 PM that night at Knoxville Civic Auditorium. There is more information below. We need to turn out large numbers to show our elected officials that we want to see some changes that help those in need.
Join us on May 1 at St. James for a Friendship Circle. This time we are having a potluck as we gather in the nave and the courtyard. Come join us to hear more about our renovations and to just be together. Breaking bread together strengthens us to live out the call of being a disciple.
I also want to say again how grateful I am for all of you who helped make Holy Week and Easter a special experience for all of us. We see the suffering on the cross and we also witness the suffering of the world. We shout Alleluia as we also proclaim hope in the midst of this world. Your gifts of song, service, food, flowers, dusting, recording and streaming, decorating and serving in so many ways helps others see the light of Christ. Thank you.
I look forward to seeing you all Sunday and next Tuesday night.
Fr. John Mark