Dear Friends,
We live in a culture in which we celebrate many individual freedoms. Our society emphasizes self-reliance and independence. When this individualism enters into our religion, we tend to think of personal sin and salvation. The individual is important, but we live our lives together. We share this planet and its resources. Scripture often refers to the sin of a nation or a group of people. The systems we have created often favor one group over others. Justice is the response of the faithful to these inequities.
Our St. James Justice Ministry is part of the larger network of congregations that form Justice Knox. Many of you are familiar with this work. This Sunday, March 5, we will gather after church for our Congregational Network Meeting. We will meet in the nave to hear reports on issues that Justice Knox is addressing. We will also take time for our network members to decide who they will invite to our Nehemiah Action. If you committed to being a network member, please come. If you are curious and would like to know more, stick around after church and find out.
We are blessed to be a community of faithful individuals. Our faith isn't just about our own relationship with God. We are called to practice justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Those things call on us to work together for all people. We pray together, we break bread together, and we are sent out to love and serve the Lord.
Our Justice Ministry is one way we serve. There are many opportunities to pray, study, and serve together. It is exciting to see the changes coming to our space that supports our ministry. We are asking everyone to come together to help make these changes happen. Every gift matters. We aren't on this journey alone.
Fr. John Mark