Dear Friends,
We have entered the solemn season of Lent. Many of us give up something and/or take on some practice during this season. We do that not as some labor that earns us favor with God. Instead, these practices are opportunities to remind us to turn to God throughout our day. Giving something up often helps me realize how I use (or misuse) my time. Yes, scripture and tradition teach that fasting is associated with turning from our sins. Indeed the fast is a way to acknowledge that we have missed the mark and a reminder to us to rely on Christ to strengthen us to love with our whole hearts.
Whatever fast or discipline we take on, may we also pray. If you need something to guide you in prayer, I recommend the Daily Devotions for Individuals and Families on page 136 of The Book of Common Prayer. Taking the time to pray is a way we acknowledge our reliance on God, and that time is not controlling us. I especially ask that you pray for our parish and our ministry. Pray that we may be open to what God is calling us to do and to be.
As a parish, we bring our prayers together when we gather. We take them to the altar and we are then fed and sent out to love and serve Christ. At the moment we are doing some important work to improve the buildings that support our ministry. Thank you to everyone who has given to this project. Your gift matters. Giving our money is a way of prayer as well. We offer a gift and trust that all of our gifts will be enough to faithfully continue our mission.
Know that I am praying too. I pray for you and the life of our congregation. I pray for our place in the community. I pray that we all may know the love of Christ and share that love in word and deed. I pray that we all may have a holy Lent.
Fr. John Mark