Friends and Neighbors,
I hope you have your calendar marked for the St. James Ministry Marathon this Sunday, February 9. The event has been delayed by snow and ice, but this Sunday, you can learn more about the many opportunities for prayer, study, service, and community at St. James. This past Sunday was exciting as our Justice Ministry gathered to prepare us for a big turnout at our Nehemiah Action on April 8. You can learn more about that ministry and others this Sunday.
Many of you serve in some way to help our parish do the many things we do. So many important tasks and touches go unseen and are an important part of what we do. I am especially grateful to have a staff that does so much of our work. Our parish administrator, Kevin Jeske-Polyak has announced that he will be retiring as of April 1. He assures me that he and Drew will continue to worship and serve with us. I celebrate the great work Kevin has done in this ministry. We will all celebrate together as we move closer to his retirement.
Kevin's retirement reminds me that part of our service is to discern how we do ministry. Sometimes, the focus of our energy and gifts changes. I ask for your ministry of prayer as we discern the next steps in hiring and training someone for this important role in the life of our parish. I look forward to sharing ministry with Kevin, and I am grateful for the gifts that he has shared.
Things change. This is a fundamental truth that is often hard to accept. Change also calls us to see things in a new way. Our Lord calls us to change our minds and hearts so that we can see the Kingdom of God among us. Our working together to share God's love through all our different ministries brings change and transformation to the hearts of others. I suppose it is something like a marathon. There are parts of the race where we feel strong and fast. Other times, we feel like it is just too hard. All along the way, we have the support of others.
Thank you for sharing God's love.
Fr. John Mark