Friends and Neighbors,
Thank you for celebrating with our folks who were baptized, confirmed, and received on Sunday. We all promised to support them in their faith. Supporting one another in following Christ is what we do. Your time, talent, and money help make that happen through St. James. I am excited about our Ministry Marathon coming up on February 9 where we can all learn about the many ways we serve and support.
This coming Sunday we will celebrate the feast of The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. This celebration is also known as Candlemas. We will take the opportunity to process with candles and to learn about what this story and what it might mean for us today. If you are so inclined, you can even join in the procession as come together on Sunday.
We come together to tell these old stories because they inform how we live as faithful followers of Christ in our own time. We also come to pray using words curated over the centuries. I hope that being centered and grounded by prayer and community, we can be responsive rather than reactive. The strongest defense of the faith is faithfulness.
You can join us in the parish hall after church on Sunday, February 2 for our Justice Ministry meeting. At this meeting, you will hear about some of the problems and solutions we are exploring as a part of Justice Knox. You will also get some help inviting others to come to the Nehemiah Action. A large number of citizens at the action truly does get the attention of community leaders.
I am grateful to have this community where I continue to be supported in my walk with Christ. Thank you for being faithful in making St. James a place where people meet Christ and are empowered to go forth and serve.
Fr. John Mark