Dear Friends,
I love a good story. I especially enjoy the stories of how people are discovering God working in their lives. This Sunday we will celebrate the stories of a few folks as they come to be baptized, confirmed, or received. We will all reaffirm our faith through the words of the Baptismal Covenant. We will all be reminded that our stories are connected and intertwined.
We are living a story of transition these days. Right here on the ground at St. James, we are changing some things as our construction progresses. Thank you for supporting this work. Your gift helps us improve our space to continue our ministry. The work we do connects us to the stories of others. This ministry we share allows others to see God at work in their story.
You will see some updates about the construction in this email. There are also announcements about opportunities to pray, study, and serve together. All of these things are part of our story of following Christ. I pray that you know God is present in your story and that ours is part of God's great story.
Fr. John Mark