Dear Friends,
The Sunday lessons last week and this week include Gospel stories of Jesus calling his first disciples. In John, these new disciples are drawn to Jesus by the witness of John the Baptist. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus approaches the fisherman at work and simply says "Follow me." The text reads as though they immediately stopped what they were doing and went with Jesus. It is a strange thing to picture.
I know that my own tendency is to mull things over before taking action. Sure, it is good to plan and consider the cost. Even so, many of us find ourselves paralyzed by overthinking things. What would it be like to drop what we are doing and forgive the wrong, offer a listening ear, or show kindness to a stranger? Oh, I know what that looks like because I see so many of you doing that. There are times when I follow with that kind of immediacy. I want more of that flow of faith.
Those disciples who immediately followed Jesus were the same ones who would be doubting, arguing about who is greatest, and huddling in fear. They were also the ones who spread the Good News that spread throughout the world. Our own doubts, divisions, and failures don't exclude us from turning back to faithfulness. Those moments when we feel unfaithful call for that immediate response of letting go, hearing the call, and following where Christ leads us.
At St. James, we are shuffling things around as we are in a time of construction. We still ponder living in a world forever changed by the pandemic. Homelessness, addiction, and authoritarianism confront our community and the world. We remain faithful in the moment as we welcome those who are seeking, in need of healing, and longing to be seen.
Hear Jesus calling you in the midst of your life. Look up. See Christ among us, and follow.
Fr. John Mark