Friends and Neighbors,
Snow and ice caused us to postpone our Ministry Marathon until February 9. On that day you will find folks in different spots sharing about the various ministries here at St. James. This will be a good day to see the church, learn about ways to serve, and connect with friends old and new. You may be surprised at all the various opportunities to serve, pray, and study together.
I hope you will also be looking ahead to Bishop Cole visiting on January 26. We will welcome folks into the Episcopal church and reaffirm our baptismal vows. I am also excited that we will celebrate the Feast of the Presentation on February 2. This feast, also known as Candlemas, recalls the presentation of Jesus in the temple. After church, we will have our Justice Ministry Congregational Meeting. Please stay for that, as it will give you tools to spread the word about the action in April. I told you there were many opportunities for ministry.
Our nation will inaugurate President Trump on the same day we remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I also hear that there is a football game that day. I have been looking over many of the writings of Dr. King as I prepare for a symposium as part of the Knoxville MLK Commission celebration. His hope that we could build a "beloved community" in a non-violent way is drawn from the life and teachings of Jesus. Even so, we see many Christians emboldened to adopt hate-filled rhetoric. All of that causes me to repeat myself and remind you that our one ministry is to reconcile all to God and each other in Christ. May we present to the world a message that welcomes all and calls us to peace and understanding.
I am blessed to share ministry with you
Fr. John Mark