Friends and Neighbors,
Our church calendar has many feasts and fast days. These days remind us of the stories and faithful people they commemorate and encourage us to live our faith today. This Sunday is the first Sunday after the Epiphany and is the day we celebrate the baptism of Jesus. It is fitting that we are having our Ministry Marathon as we remember this event. Baptism is our initiation into the Body of Christ. All members of the body are empowered to serve as ministers. The Ministry Marathon can help us discern ways we can use our gifts in God's service.
At St. James, we have re-introduced the custom of keeping blessed water in the baptismal font. You might see people touch the water and cross themselves when entering or leaving the nave. The traditional placement of the font in the aisle reminds us of our baptism when we enter and exit the church. We remember our call and our commitment to seek and serve Christ in all people. Later this month, three members of our community will be baptized, and others will be received and confirmed. We will all be called on to renew our baptismal covenant. That covenant calls us to do ministry with God's help.
Thank you for all the ways you call me to live into my calling. We can be a community that helps others realize they have gifts that help others know the love of Christ. Who has been that person for you? When have you been surprised that your gifts have been an encouragement? How does being a part of a faithful community nurture your faith? I encourage you to consider those things as we remember the baptism of Christ and commit to live as faithful followers.
Fr. John Mark