DISTRIBUTING COATS FOR THE COLD - We have seen God at work year-after-year during the Coats for the Cold season. For the 36th year, KARM has collected winter coats and engaged their partners, (including St. James), in distributing them to those who would otherwise be cold. Winter coats are currently being collected at all KARM Stores and Prestige Cleaners locations through November 13th. This year, KARM hopes to collect a record-breaking 10,000 coats.
From November 15th to December 11th, anyone with a voucher may "purchase" a coat from any KARM Stores location. We need your help to help us share our allotment of vouchers with anyone you know who could benefit from the gift, both outside and inside St. James. Please contact Kevin Jeske-Polyak via Realm or email kevin@stjamesknox.org for more information.