Dear Friends,
I was recently interviewed by our parish administrator, Kevin Jeske-Polyak. He wants to interview you as well about your experience at St. James. This is all part of our 100 year anniversary celebration. If you have been hanging around St. James for a little while or many years your story is worth sharing. See the contact information in this email for how you can get in touch with Kevin and share your story.
I was abounding in thanksgiving after I shared my story with Kevin. We have much to be grateful for as a community. We are feeding and tending God's sheep both inside and outside of the church. St. James named that mission years ago and it still names the needs of the world and our part to play in it. Thank you for living into that mission through all our many ministries.
As the temperatures have been high, I have been grateful for our facilities. I am also reminded that our aging air and heating systems are a major priority in our Centennial Capital Campaign. Thank you to everyone who has pledged and begun giving. Please consider what your household can pledge to this project. Improving our space helps us support the ministry we do.
We name and celebrate the story of God's love when we gather for worship, for service, and fellowship. On Sunday, July 31 we will commemorate the feast of St. James. Wear red and come worship together. We will also gather afterwards for ice cream and time together. The story of James is also part of our story.
I am grateful to be sharing this ongoing story of Christ's presence as we live it together.
Fr. John Mark