Dear Friends,
It is Advent. We often focus on the themes of waiting and expectation. On the one hand, these themes prepare us to celebrate again the incarnation of God in Jesus. This season of expectation also calls us to look for Christ coming again. The waiting is not a passive thing. Our collects for each Sunday of Advent (see the Book of Common Prayer pages 211-212) refer to action. We ask for grace to turn from sins and prepare to greet the Lord with joy. We ask for divine power to be stirred up and that our conscience may be purified. I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on those collects. Take a moment to pray and be open to how Christ is revealed to you.
I know that I am called to action and faithfulness within the life of the community. Praying, studying, and serving alongside others stirs up my own desire to actively seek and follow Christ. Sometimes prayer can seem like a passive thing. I was asked this week about praying for peace when we see the cycle of violence repeating itself throughout history. I get it. I can say that I pray for peace because I don't want the violence to change me into a cynic. I pray because I believe that God comes among us to change hearts and lives.
There are the practical ways that we do that. St. James feeds people and you can give to that through our Helping Hands ministries. We are also a place where people have found a safe space to explore their faith. You take action by welcoming folks and sharing stories. Many of us take action by speaking up and acting for justice in our community. In all of those things, we are serving Christ and proclaiming hope in word and deed.
As we go through this Advent season of waiting, may if be an active waiting that helps others see and know Christ among us.
Fr. John Mark