Dear Friends,
We will have many opportunities to come together and celebrate the season in the next few days. Actually, we will be celebrating for a couple of weeks with Lessons and Carols and an Epiphany pageant rounding things out. We celebrate God among us in this world. We name God incarnate in human flesh. Our hearts are lifted to greet God among us in Jesus Christ.
We remember that Christ came to a world torn by division and conflict. Our faith calls us to seek and serve Christ in our world today. Still, this world is in conflict. For some, this season reminds them of loss. As followers of Christ, we seek to bring grace and love to the broken places in our world. I pray that St. James can be a place that welcomes us when we are hurting and strengthens us to be the light of Christ to others.
I am sure that you will have many opportunities to meet Christ among us during this season. Perhaps it will be at the dinner table with that rather opinionated relative. Maybe it will be in the bright light of Jupiter (Thursday night). You may find Christ in the stranger sitting next to you at the Christmas Eve service. I believe it to be true that Christ is truly present to us, not just at Christmas, but always. I am grateful for how the St. James community makes Christ known to me.
May you all know Christ present to you, and make Christ known to others.
Merry Christmas,
Fr. John Mark