Dear Friends,
We had a great All Saints' Sunday! The Rev. RJ Powell was with us and we welcomed new saints through the sacrament of baptism. The ECW collected the United Thank Offering, the Daughters of the King served, and the choir rocked (I like to think they did the John Tavener piece for me. He is one of my favorite composers.) The saints were worshiping with us.
On Monday night, St. James had the largest turnout to the Justice Knox Annual assembly. Margaret Bickley will be reporting more details about that event. I am encouraged that we have such a strong Justice Ministry. We put action to our faith when we speak up and take steps to change policies to bring more justice to our community. Your presence matters.
A construction crew is present at St. James. Our project is underway! The kitchen and parish hall are off-limits. The hallways and some rooms have "stuff" in them. We will be sorting through what stays and what goes. We will also keep gathering, praying, and serving. We also need your support in this work. If you haven't made a pledge, please consider what you can give and let your intention be known. Your gift supports our work and helps us when seeking funding from other sources.
My excitement about St. James isn't just centered on one great Sunday. I look around and see people serving in various ways. Recovery groups gather and hurting souls find healing. Friends come together to study and pray. Dedicated folks feed our neighbors. Newcomers searching for connection and hope come to us. All of that and more encourages me as we work together to proclaim the Good News of Christ in word and deed.
Fr. John Mark