Dear Friends,
This is turning into the gratitude report! There is nothing wrong with that. I am especially thankful for Kevin and Drew Jeske-Polyak who masterfully organized and executed our Neighbor Day events and auction. They were assisted by Marilyn Canady, Butch and Carol Yates, and Margaret Bickley. Thank all of you who donated items or money, and to all who bid and purchased items.
We will give thanks this week for a departed saint, John Moore. For many years, John Moore led our Helping Hands ministry. One particular item he celebrated was Spam. He would often dress up as "Spam Man" on the Sundays that we collected Spam for our food pantry. John passed away over a year ago and we are retiring Spam Man this Sunday. Please bring Spam for Helping Hands and help us remember John Moore.
Join parishioners on October 23 in the parish hall for our annual meeting. We will select new vestry members, take a look at the past year, and hear updates on our Centennial Capital Campaign. This will be another opportunity to give thanks for all the ways we tend and feed God's sheep here at St. James.
May we all give thanks for the blessings we have. Even challenges can be an opportunity to grow and learn. There are those times when those challenges seem overwhelming. In those times I am especially grateful for a faithful community that carries me along on their prayers. Thank you.
Fr. John Mark