Dear Friends,
We continue to enjoy the energy from our September 17 Centennial Celebration. In fact, we continue to celebrate. There is so much to name as we remember 100 years of ministry. One thing I keep celebrating is that we have been committed to being and serving in this neighborhood. It is that time of year when we celebrate those connections. Be sure to sign up for Neighbor Day and browse the online auction. I am particularly looking forward to the concert next Tuesday. I hope to see you and some friends there.
This is also the season to nominate folks to serve on the vestry. This is the governing board of the parish. Members should be confirmed Episcopalians, financially contributing to the church, and engaged in ministry at St. James. Look around or look in the mirror, and see who might serve well in this 3 year role. We meet once a month to consider the temporal matters of the church, and serve in supporting various ministries. Please send nominations to me. We will select new vestry members at our annual meeting on October 29.
We also enter the season when we consider our budget for the next year. That means that we are also asked to consider what we can pledge to give. I know that we have all been asked to contribute to the capital campaign. We definitely want to pay for this great work that has been done. We also need to support the ministry that happens in and from this place. You will receive a pledge card soon and be asked to give financially. Please prayerfully consider what you can give to support ministry at St. James.
Those are just a few of the things that the season brings. Look through this newsletter to find other things happening at St. James. Join others in celebrating ministry.
Fr. John Mark