Dear Friends,
As our renovations wrap up, there are little details that need attention. Maybe there was a scratch somewhere, or a lock that sticks, and there is the work of adjusting the new heating and air system. When one thing changes there are often other changes that occur. This is true of our lives as well. Many of us (myself included) resist change. I can have grand ideas about positive change and then easily slide back into old patterns.
Changing our minds and hearts was the primary message of Jesus. ("Repent" can be translated as "change your minds and hearts.") As we look at some of the loudest voices in our world, we hear messages that separate, demonize, and encourage violence. Our world needs people who are seeking to love others. We can be a place that helps us all seek the transformation of our minds and hearts so that we can love others with the love of Christ.
We have doubled down on our commitment to be in place as we have done some work on our actual property. St. James has also been a community that worked for the transformation of our minds and hearts. We have lived that by being a welcoming place that proclaims that God is with us and that God loves us. Not everybody knows that so we prepare and equip ourselves for being a place that proclaims that into our next 100 years.
The St. James community has seen many changes over the past 100 years. We will see more changes. Through all of that, we turn our hearts and minds to Christ. We share the love that has been given to us.
The witness to God's love is what we celebrate as we approach our 100th anniversary. Thank you for supporting the work we are doing to keep that ministry going. Join with us on September 17 and beyond as we celebrate what God is doing at 1101 Broadway.
Fr. John Mark