Dear Friends,
The kids are back in school! I get nostalgic and remember freshly sharpened pencils, locker combinations, and hallway antics. We are remembering things around here as we complete our renovations and move into the future. I am excited by all the possibilities of the ways that we can use our space to do ministry. Stay tuned as most spaces will open up for use next week.
I hope that you are aware of opportunities to learn and pray together. We have many of those opportunities listed below. I have been enjoying some free-flowing conversations in the library at 9:15 on Sunday mornings. Feel free to join us as we discuss faith. There are some offerings in the works for the months to come.
Please mark your calendars for September 17 when we will dedicate the work that has been done and celebrate 100 years of ministry. We will have one service that Sunday at 10:30. Bishop Cole will be here with us. After the service, we will have a reception in the parish hall. The celebration will continue throughout the year as we explore ministry and share our space with neighbors.
This work is happening because of your generosity. Thank you to all who have pledged and given to this campaign. We have taken on this venture to better equip our facilities for the ministry of feeding and tending God's sheep. If you haven't given, I encourage you to consider what you can give and to invest in our next 100 years of ministry.
Fr. John Mark