Dear Friends,
This past Sunday, more than one person commented how much they enjoyed the "spirit" of our worship in the parish hall (yes, this theme is continued from last week). I reminded folks that we can do many things that contribute to that "spirit" even when we return to worship in the nave.
Some of that spirit is fed by being able to see each other differently because of the seating arrangement. Having various instruments brings a different quality to the experience. We can have all of those in the nave and not be as crowded as we are in the parish hall. While I am sure that those nuances influence the vibe, I also know that you who come together shape the "spirit" of how we gather. We make space in the room and open space in our hearts.
You are also the ones who make others feel welcome. I hear the stories of people who have felt rejected or otherwise anxious when entering church space. Those of us who have been around for a minute can think that everybody knows that there is a place for them at St. James. They don't. Let us continue to share that there is a place where all can know grace and love.
This Sunday, we will celebrate the feast of St. James. The life of St. James reminds us that Christ's standard of greatness is in being a servant. James was also the first of the 12 apostles to be martyred for the faith. We see that some will resist the Good News that God's love is for all. James is often associated with pilgrimage. We are on a pilgrimage as a community. We are not isolated in our church buildings. We are moving through this world sharing the grace and love of God everywhere we go.
We also like to stop and eat along the way! Sign up today for our Friendship Circle on Monday July 24 at 6 pm. There is no charge but you are welcome to make a special gift to our capital campaign. Come here how things are going with the renovations, dream a little about the future, and enjoy time with friends new and old.
Whatever we do may we do it that the Spirit we feel as we worship. May you know the spirit of Christ filling you as you make your way.
Fr. John Mark