Friends and Neighbors,
For practical purposes, it is summer. I have particularly enjoyed seeing various wildlife out about. In town, it has mostly been various birds and a bunny or two. On a recent visit to Grace Point, I was greeted by a deer, and later delighted to see two bald eagles in flight. Whatever the season, I am practicing pausing and giving thanks whenever these creatures cross my path. What little things give you pause? Can you imagine it as a "hello" from God? May summer be filled with moments that cause us to remember that God is with us.
Part of being a church is proclaiming that God is indeed with us. We declare that in word and sacrament as celebrate God made know in Jesus Christ. We also do that as we tend and feed God's sheep and seek to do justice. You know that so many folks don't know that God is with them. Our work is to share love, hope, and healing. We come together and are sent out to share the loving presence of Christ with the world.
I am thankful to share the work of sharing God's love. Thank you for all the support that you give through your time, talent, and money. Please remember to keep your pledges to the general budget and the capital campaign. We are a little behind where we hoped to be on giving this year. Your gift makes a difference. Thank you for generously supporting the work that helps us feed and tend God's sheep.
I hope we all see creatures and other sights that remind us of God's presence. (Keep an eye out for the bunny around St. James.)
Fr. John Mark