Dear Friends,
This Sunday is Mother's Day. In the United States, Mother's Day began as a peace movement (even pacifist for some) during the Civil War. Mothering Sunday was initially associated with returning to your "mother" church in the United Kingdom. Thinking of the motherly deal itself, the notion of a community that nurtures us rings true for what a church can be. The church can also be that place that works to bring peace and reconciliation to those who have been pitted against one another. Those are high standards for mothers and for the church.
In the present time, we celebrate our mothers for bringing us into this world and raising us. We will pray for mothers this weekend. We will do that as we gather in the community that gives us strength and comfort in our lives. The actual physical space our community gathers in is changing. This Sunday is our last one in the nave before renovations to that space begin. For the next few months, we will worship in the parish hall. No matter the space, we will find ourselves nurtured and also empowered.
Thank you for your patience and flexibility during this time. It is exciting to see all the changes and anticipate how we can make use of the space to welcome others and do ministry. Your gifts to the campaign are an important part of this work. Please consider a pledge if you have not done so.
As I said last week, we will also look for ways to be together. See below for announcements about opportunities to just be together. This Tuesday (May 16) many of us will make a pilgrimage to see the movie “The Way” at the Downtown West Regal Theater. Mark Sunday, June 4 on your calendar as we will have a potluck following the 10:30 service. Monday, June 12 will be the Justice Knox Celebration (location TBD). St. James will celebrate the 118 people we brought to the Nehemiah Action. Please share your hopes for ways that we can be together to find nurture, peace, growth, and community in our mothering space.
Fr. John Mark