Friends and Neighbors,
We continue to celebrate Easter. The Justice Knox Nehemiah Action was a witness to new life rising. We saw over 1000 people gathered to ask our city and county mayors to make commitments to end homelessness. They said yes to some actions that have made an impact in other cities. We can be a community that educates ourselves and others about the causes and realities of being unhoused. We are also a community that confesses that there is hope. Thanks for showing up.
I hope you have your calendar marked for April 17. You will see the Plow and Barrow lunch and learn below. That is a free lunch with some great speakers sharing about important work. At 6:00 on Wednesday, Bishop Cole will be here to confirm, receive, and baptize some friends of ours. Come celebrate with these folks as they publicly affirm their faith.
Many things happen in and around this place. So much work and effort goes into making ministry happen. It also costs money to maintain our facilities and do ministry. Perhaps you could consider gifting something from your tax refund.
You may have heard mention that we did indeed install "comfort height" toilets during our renovation. It was jokingly suggested that someone might want to sponsor a toilet! You can do that for $850 (no kidding!). You might also consider donating one of the chairs in memory or honor of someone. I am sincere when I say that we will put your name on the boiler for a donation of $350,000. Those are fun ways to give and remember folks we love.
Know that your gifts matter and that a boiler, chairs, and even toilets help us serve and do ministry. I am delighted to be sharing ministry with you on the campus of St. James and in the larger community.
Fr. John Mark