Dear Friends,
We come to the end of another month and see signs of spring all around. Many things are blooming around here. I don't just mean the flowers and trees. You may have noticed that we are encouraging folks to use Realm, our online database. This resource can help us all stay connected. Kevin Jeske-Polyak can point you in the right direction to get connected.
We are also gearing up for the Justice Knox Nehemiah Action on April 9. Be sure to invite others because your presence moves our leaders to take action. Come out to First Presbyterian on March 18 from 7-8:30 PM to learn about what we will be asking of our leaders.
In the midst of all that, it is Lent. Did you know that the word "lent" comes from the Old English word "lencten" which means "spring season"? What is starting to sprout and bloom in you? If you have totally forgotten that Lenten fast you can still water the soil and get some light. Something will grow.
Plan now for Holy Week and Easter. We hope to have many opportunities to walk the labyrinth during Holy Week. We will also be revealing new Stations of the Cross closer to Holy Week. Easter morning shines a little brighter after walking through Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.
Our parish can be a place that nurtures growth. We live with the realization that a seed must fall to the ground so that something might grow. We are nourished by the word and sacraments. We give to encourage growth and connection to bloom in our community. Thank you for helping me grow in loving God and neighbor.
Fr. John Mark