Dear Friends,
Happy New Year! I am excited to see what this year holds for St. James. We are just where we need to be to do the work God has called us to do. I am grateful to be sharing the Good News of Christ alongside you.
This coming Sunday we will transfer the feast of the Epiphany and celebrate the revelation of Christ to the world. Our celebration of this will be in the form of a pageant that will tell the story of Christ's birth and those who were called to see it. One more chance to sing some carols! You can even participate in the service. Come and see.
There are many ways to participate in ministry at St. James. Perhaps the new year is a time for you to join something new. We don't do any ministry alone. You could be an acolyte, an usher, or nursery volunteer knowing that you are serving with folks happy to guide you. Every role is important.
All of our particular ministries are part of our one ministry of sharing the love of Christ. Thank you for continuing to support our ministry with your time, talent, and money. We have an exciting year ahead.
Fr. John Mark