ST. JAMES AT NEYLAND STADIUM - Last year, The University of Tennessee invited St. James to participate in an extraordinary fundraising opportunity during the football season. All we needed were 10 volunteers to operate one of the concession stands at Neyland Stadium to receive 10% of all the sales generated at that stand. The payout would have been provided at the end of each game!
Unfortunately, COVID prevented us from recruiting the number of volunteers we needed last year, but UT has extended the invitation to us once again for the 2022 season! Seven home games will take place on: September 3 (Ball State), September 17 (Akron), September 24 (Florida), October 15 (Alabama), October 22 (UT Martin), October 29 (Kentucky), and November 12 (Missouri). If you are interested in volunteering this year, please contact Kevin Jeske-Polyak immediately for details This is a time-sensitive announcement.