RUMMAGE SALE - Get ready for the long-awaited St. James Rummage Sale presented by the St. James Episcopal Church Women to provide ECW scholarships for our kids to go to summer camp!
Please help make this a successful event by donating CLEAN household items, such as kitchenware, table lamps, area rugs, furniture, tools, collectibles, linens, books, artwork, knickknacks, functioning electronics, costume jewelry, accessories (belts, pocketbooks, etc.), denim, and children's toys & clothing.
Note: We cannot accept adult clothing or anything that is broken. Please bring your donated items to the Parish Hall during the following times:
Sun, Mar 27 @noon - 3pm
Mon - Wed, Mar 28 - Mar 30 @ 11 am - 2 pm and 5 pm -7 pm
Thu - Fri, Mar 31 - Apr 1 @ 10 am -7 pm
Please contact Angie Livesay at 865-661-5349 or to say you'd like to help. ALL hands are needed! On Sat, Apr 2, come and rummage through the hundreds of wonderful donated items that will be offered for sale from 8:30 am - 2:30 pm.