THE PAROCHIAL REPORT - The Parochial Report is the oldest official data-gathering instrument of the Episcopal Church. Each year, every parish files this report with the diocesan bishop. Copies are also sent to the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church where the data is combined. The combined data is an important information resource for parishes, dioceses, and the whole Episcopal Church. Collected data includes information pertaining to church membership; number of Holy Eucharists, baptisms, confirmations, marriages, & burials; worship service attendance, outreach ministries, & volunteer activities; and revenues & expenses for the year. Preparation of the St. James Parochial Report is the joint responsibility of the Rector, Parish Administrator, and the Vestry. During the next few weeks, ministry leaders are invited to help by providing three numbers: (a) the estimated number of volunteers involved in your ministry during 2021, (b) the estimated number of NEW volunteers who joined your ministry in 2021, and (c) the estimated number of people served through the activities of the ministry during 2021.