Christmas Activities - The COVID-19 Pandemic has encouraged us to be adaptive, continually prayerful, creative, flexible, and inventive in serving our Helping Hands clients routinely, and especially, in providing special Christmas treats. On December 4, we will offer a take out Holiday Meal to our clients and provide Christmas boxes on December 18. Since we are still in pandemic mode, we are not asking for donations of food items nor time for assembling boxes, etc. If you feel so led, we appreciate donations of funds to help finance this special pantry distribution. Please make checks payable to St. James and note Helping Hands on the memo line. If you donate online, please send an email to our Financial Manager,
Bob Wadley (, and let him know the donation is for Helping Hands. As always, we sincerely appreciate the support of St. James Parish as we minister to our neighbors in your name.
Helping Hands inside St. James - Did you know Helping Hands Food Pantry feeds and tends God’s sheep inside St. James as well as outside? St. James parishioners who need a Christmas box from Helping Hands, please contact Father John Mark, Father RJ, or the church office, 865-523-5687, before December 15 to be included in our count. Please, give us the number of people in the family. The Christmas box includes the ingredients for a holiday meal plus a three-day supply of canned & boxed food, goody bag, and toiletry bag. Pickup time will be announced later.