St James Handbell Ensemble is our handbell choir that plays during Sunday worship throughout the year. Besides playing for the congregation, we have enjoyed going out to handbell festivals, conferences, and workshops, and playing for retirement communities. Our instruments are 5 octaves of newly refurbished Malmark handbells, 3 octaves of Schulmerich handbells and 3 octaves of Schulmerich chimes, played by an enthusiastic team of 10 to 15 ringers. Due to the pandemic we now have several openings available.
We often play with other instruments such as piano, organ, cello, violin, flute, and percussion. What kind of music do we play? Everything from traditional, sacred and hymn tunes, to classical, pop, and just-for-fun arrangements.
The handbell ensemble rehearses on Tuesday evenings beginning August 17 at 6:00 p.m. New ringers are supported by the more experienced ringers, and together we create music that brings joy, comfort, and inspiration to others. Some experience reading music is helpful but not required. We have a great support team to help new ringers. You are invited to participate. We have plenty of bells! Please contact Director of Handbell Ministries Tim Lett at if you have any questions.