Dear Friends,
Advent is rolling to a close as we approach the celebration of the birth of Jesus. I know that I am busy wrapping gifts, working on sermons, and digging out my holiday socks. As I think about giving gifts, I realize that I am not always so good at receiving gifts, compliments, or even a helping hand. Christ comes to us to be welcomed and received. The Advent 4 collect asks that at his coming Christ may "find in us a mansion prepared for himself." Be open to receiving the Christ among us as we move through this season.
We seek to know and serve Christ as we feed our neighbors. Thank you to everyone who made our Helping Hands Christmas distribution a success. Your gifts help us serve through Helping Hands and other ministries. We also receive from those we serve. I know that I am often challenged by the humility and gratitude of those we serve. Sometimes I am frustrated that there is such a need. Often, I am just angry. Maybe those are gifts too. Gifts I need to receive and put to good use.
I look forward to our opportunities to worship together this weekend. In those times together we receive Christ in one another, in word and song, and in the sacrament. I am especially grateful for the many people who give to make those services happen. I hope you can make time to come and receive.
May we make room for Christ come among us.
Fr. John Mark