By Vivian Altopp
16 Aug, 2024
The phrase "Walk in love" is borrowed from a letter Paul wrote to Ephesians in which he discusses the Christian understanding of love: to "Love your neighbor as yourself:' Indeed, walking in love is integral to the Christian tradition; at the same time, essential and secularly connected to each of our hearts. As a young adult, wishing to honestly engage in a reflection of love, my mind projects past the static, screened portrayals that streamed romcoms and pop lyrics are soaked with into something deeper: love as paradox. Paradox as recognizing the relationship between two highly differing experiences which do not negate each other like contradiction does. Instead, when paired together, vastness opens up so wide, we can hold each separate concept in our hands and feel the infiniteness of life swirl within us. Paradox is a flipped coin, currency; a battery, energy. Love must be a paradox.